Thursday, February 26, 2009

Spiritual Practice

Spiritual practice is the conversion of the small object into that infinite object.
Now, you think that "This small body, this unit consciousness, is mine." But when you think "That vast universal body is mine," then you are the Supreme. When this individual body and mind is yours, you know all the secrets of this individual physical body and mind. And when this vast cosmos is your object, you'll know everything of this cosmos, you'll know everything of this infinite space. So your spiritual practice is the practice of conversion -- conversion of small into big.

This process of conversion makes a person universal. One's very existence goes beyond the scope of time, place and person. At that time, one becomes omnipotent and also omniscient. One knows everything without going through any book. When an individual wants to acquire any knowledge, one will have to go through practical experiences, books, etc. For the individual, there are so many worries and anxieties, so much optimism and pessimism, so many clashes and cohesion; but m the case of the Supreme there is no complex, no optimism, no pessimism; there is no question of clashes or cohesion, because in the case of the Cosmic, everything is internal -- nothing is external. Everything is within and nothing is without. The entire universe is in the range of His mind, so there remains no second entity, no second individual. Thus the question of any clash doesn't arise.

If one wants to attain peace, what is one to do? One is to convert one's small objectivity into the infinite objectivity. There is no other alternative. Simply teaching the gospels of peace won't give you any peace.You have to convert yourself from small into big. Spiritual practice is the practice of increasing one's own psychic radius.When it becomes bigger and bigger, the range of mind is bigger. And when in this way the radius becomes infinite, the aspirant becomes one with the Supreme. This becoming one with the Supreme, the Supreme Union, is called Salvation or emancipation --liberation of permanent nature. Each and every spiritual aspirant should know this and attain liberation.

(Baba in Fiesch, 109)

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