Showing posts with label Mental Balance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mental Balance. Show all posts

Thursday, February 26, 2009

How to Win

Lord Buddha said: Win falsehood by truth, win the miserly with generosity, win anger by non-anger. The intelligent thing for you to do would be never to get angry. Be moral in the midst of immorality and falsehood. If you have this skill, you will triumph in any battle. You will remain unassailed.

(Ananda Vacanamrtam, 48)

I and I

Suppose your boss arrives; you will welcome him and say, "Please come, sit down and have something to eat." You flatter him, but inside you say, "What a trouble has arrived! When will he go?" This is not known to your boss. Thus, two "I's" are within you; one performs action in the external world, and the other is inside. You are well-acquainted with this inner "I" but others do not have the correct information about it, Spiritual practice (sadhana), therefore, is to unify the two, the internal 'I' and the external 'I' into one.

Two-ness in one single personaIity of human beings is their disease. The greater the gap between these two "I's", the more you will undergo psychic torment. You must remember that in this second half of the 20th Century there is a great gap between the internal "I" and the external I. And because of the trouble in adjusting these two "I's" there is an increase in the number of lunatics. This is the greatest disease of the 20th Century.

("Paramapurusa ")

Categories of Human Beings

There are three categories of human beings. The first category comprises those whose thoughts, words and deeds are the same -- which means whatever they think, they speak and whatever they speak, they do. Such people are A-class people.

The second category comprises those whose thoughts and words are different, but whatever they speak, they do -- which means they think one thing and speak another, but they do whatever they speak.Such people are B·class people.

The third category comprises those whose thoughts, words and deeds are different from each other and never the same. Such people think one thing, speak another, and do something altogether different.Such people are C-class people. Most of the leaders of the present-day world fall into this category. You should try to become A-class people. You should speak what you think, and you should do what you speak.

(Ananda Vacanamrtam,3)