Sunday, November 14, 2010


Satya implies proper action of mind and the right use of words with the spirit of welfare. It has no English synonym. The word "true" or "truth" would be translated in Sanskrit as "rta" (to state the fact). We are not asked to follow the path of rta. We are to practise Satya. The practical side of Satya is dependent on relativity, but its finality lies in the Supreme Spiritual Entity. That is why that Entity is often referred to as the "essence of Satya."
Even though the objective of a spiritual aspirant is to achieve that ultimate entity, in the process people have to deal with the relativity of their surroundings. Humans are rational beings: they possess in varying degrees the capability to do what is necessary or good for humanity. In the realm of spirituality, such thought, word or action has been defined as Satya.
For example, a person rushes to you for shelter. You do not know whether he is guilty or not, or perhaps you know for certain that he is not guilty. He is followed by a ruffian bent on torturing him. If this terrified man seeks refuge in your house, and then the ruffian comes and asks you regarding his whereabouts, what should you do? By adhering to truth you would inform the ruffian of his whereabouts. Then if he is murdered, will you not be responsible for this murder? Your mistake may have resulted in the murder of an innocent person. By adhering to rta or truth you become indirectly guilty of this heinous crime. What would be your duty if you followed the correct interpretation of Satya? It would be not to reveal the whereabouts of the person and rather to misguide the aggressor so that the refugee may safely return home.
Suppose your mother is taking food. A letter is received about the death of your maternal grandfather. If mother enquires about the contents of the letter, what reply will you give? If you adhere to "truth", you will reveal the news of her father's death, which will cause a great shock to her mind and she would not even be able to take her food. It would be preferable in this case to state that all is well in their family. After your mother has had her food, a mention of her father's illness would prepare the ground for her to bear the news of the tragedy. In this way, even though something other than truth was uttered, the dignity of Satya has been maintained.

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